KS3 Chemistry
This course aims to build engagement and enthusiasm for Chemistry, as well as academically rigorous foundations for progress to IGCSE. You can try the first lesson for free.
1. Hazard and Risk
FREE PREVIEWQuiz - Lesson 1
FREE PREVIEWScreaming Jelly Baby
2. Apparatus and Units
Quiz - Lesson 2
3. Measuring and Recording Data
4. Tables and Graphs
Quiz - Lesson 4
5. Investigations I - Variables
6. Investigations II - Results
Quiz - Lesson 6
7. Introduction to Chemistry Summary Task
8. States of Matter I
Quiz - Lesson 8
9. States of Matter II
10. Melting and Boiling Points
Quiz - Lesson 10
11. Chemical & Physical Changes I
12. States of Matter Summary Task
13. Word Equations
Quiz - Lesson 13
14. The Periodic Table
15. Element Symbols & Compounds
Quiz - Lesson 15
16. Naming and Formulae
Quiz - Lesson 16
17. Dissolving
18. Solubility Curves
Quiz - Lesson 18
19. Separating Mixtures I
20. Separating Mixtures II
Quiz - Lesson 20
21. Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Summary Task
22. Acids and Alkalis
23. Acids, Bases & Neutralisation
Quiz - Lesson 23
24. Acid-Base Reactions
Quiz - Lesson 24
Consolidation exercise: writing equations for acid base reactions
25. Acid Reactions
26. Acids and Bases Summary Task
27. Metals and Alloys
Quiz - Lesson 27
28. Metals and Alloys II
Quiz - Lesson 28
29. Metal Reactivity
30. Displacement Reactions
Quiz - Lesson 30
31. Metals Summary Task